I can’t see a package that suits me?

No problem, we can’t fit everything we know onto the website! Contact us and we will see if we can make one for you! Prices for Bespoke packages start from as little as £100

I should be able to cope but can’t, I am embarrassed to reach out?

There is nothing to be embarrassed about, EVERY parent needs help and support. In our line of work we have seen it all, its our job to give you the tools to help you feel like you can cope with any situation and that is exactly what we will do! But I can assure you, you are already doing an incredible job.

My child has complex additional needs can you still help us?

Yes! With over a decade of working with children with additional needs we have resources just for you and a plethora of advice and ideas to support your family. Contact us for a chat about what we can do for you!

What are the resources you offer?

We have endless resources to offer you. Ranging from personalised visual timetables, PECS (Picture Exchange), Timers, meal plans, chore charts to activity packs and many many more. You can purchase these individually or as part of a bespoke package. Simply contact us to discuss what you need.

I am expecting my first baby and all my friends and family have conflicting advice?

Believe it or not this is our most common question. Everyone parents differently, and every baby needs parenting differently, things that worked for your friends and family may not work for you and that’s ok! We are here to help you get ready and then offer down to earth advice and an impartial person to reach out too when you need one!

What are your “How To” sessions?

We developed our “How To” sessions after having first time parents come to us worried about newborn care! We come to you and run sessions on such things as; bathing, feeding (breast and bottle) car seat fitting, nappy changing, nursery set up and anything else that is worrying you! Contact us to arrange a session.