Weaning & Eating

To make Weaning your baby a breeze,

We have three Weaning & Eating support packages available

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or wish to create a bespoke package, please contact us.

Getting Started

A Getting Started package includes;

  • 30 Minute Consultation

  • A Four Week Personalised Weaning Plan, with recipes

  • Our ‘Foods to Try’ Checklist

Getting Started packages start from £150

Full Wean

A Full Wean package includes;

  • 60 Minute Consultation

  • A Six Week Personalised Weaning Plan, with recipes

  • Our ‘Foods to Try’ Checklist

  • 1 Follow up Consultation

  • A Pre-Wean Product Consultation

    Full Wean packages start from £400

Easy Eating*

An Easy Eating package includes;

  • 60 Minute Consultation

  • Trouble shooting issues with food/eating

  • Personalised Plan of Action

  • 2 Follow up Consultations

    Easy Eating Packages start from £200

*Easy Eating Packages are aimed at troubleshooting worries or issues surrounding food and eating